Even herbal remedies have specific doses
Many believe herbal remedies are safe no matter how much they take. However, their risks may be much worse than we previously thought, especially if there chemical treatments are taken the same day.
DetailsMany believe herbal remedies are safe no matter how much they take. However, their risks may be much worse than we previously thought, especially if there chemical treatments are taken the same day.
DetailsElsevier Scientific Magazine
Spriger Scientific Magazine
DetailsCyclodextrin is a starchy substance with very small molecules!
Use Cyclodextrin to carry the active ingredient and reduce its complications …
إنذارات الجسم تكون تفي أوجها عند التعب أو المرض. ولكن على كل منا أن يتعلم فن الإنصات لهذه ..
إن أسوء مايضر المفاصل ويزيدها إلتهابا هو التغذية والعادات اليومية الغير صحية !
ومما يزيدها سوءا هو اللجوء إلى المسكنات لإزالة الألم دون التخلص من السبب الأساسي
Cyclodextrins and its derivatives (α, β, γ) are natural products used recently in many drugs formulation. They increased the Solubility and Bioavailability of the medicine. On the other hand decreased the medicines’ side effects. In this book, β-Cyclodextrins had been used with Furosemide which is used as duratic drug. For more details and benefits, click…