مخاطر سوء إستعمال غصن البان
How to get rid of the complications of Lyrica
In the previous article we talked about Lyrica and we know the reasons for its use and its complications. Today we will learn how to remove it from ourselves safely!
DetailsWhen the stomach goes on vacation
Fasting is a kind of health holiday that human beings have known in all religions since ancient times, to this day.
DetailsEl Wehda Newspaper – Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome description has recently spread to general gastrointestinal diseases. A high percentage of these belong to disorders of the colon and bowel, chronic constipation or chronic diarrhoea, or swelling, colic and gases…….
Detailsصحيفة المشاهير-أضرار Multivitamins حبوب
كثير من الشركات التجارية عندها من المكملات الغذائية ماهو غير مدروس صحيا.
Detailsالطب النبوي من أسمى العلاجات الطبيعية
Natural Treatment for Obesity
In recent times, food programs have spread to lose weight, and nutritionists have taken a mechanical approach to weight loss.
DetailsTherapeutic Secrets of Ramadan
Ramadan is the month of spiritual, physical and health blessings.